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Evidence that this is a photo of Braddon, not Kingston: This is a closeup (in b&w) of the south wall of 65 Elimatta St.  With a bit of imagination you can see the  line of light coloured mortar on the left of the vertical part of the arch.  A high resolution copy of the original would help.  The fence running from the wall to the boundary fence no longer exists.  However, there are a couple of wooden pegs still in the wall of the house.
Conrad Burden added a rephotograph:

Evidence that this is a photo of Braddon, not Kingston: This is a closeup (in b&w) of the south wall of 65 Elimatta St. With a bit of imagination you can see the line of light coloured mortar on the left of the vertical part of the arch. A high resolution copy of the original would help. The fence running from the wall to the boundary fence no longer exists. However, there are a couple of wooden pegs still in the wall of the house.


15 December 2012


Front gardens of cottages at Kingston.

Front gardens of cottages at Kingston.


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