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National Archives of Australia:

A3560, 1557 Like


Front gardens of cottages at Kingston.

Date Range

January 1921–December 1935



3 comments so far. Join the conversation
Conrad Burden updated the location of this photograph.
December 15 2012 Reply
Conrad Burden says:
December 15 2012

These cottages are mislabelled as being in Kingston. They are actually 63, 65 and 67 Elimatta Street, Braddon. According to the article Canberra's First Brick Cottages by Ann Gugler reprinted at the web site
the FCAC houses at Kingston (now demolished) were finished in white and the houses at Braddon remained red brick. These three houses are also visible as the bottom three houses in the aerial photograph with the National Archives barcode 3117662 (Image no. : A3560, 1151) This photo is consistent with the aerial photograph in that there are no houses past no.67 in Elimatta St.

Taken from the same position in Elimatta Street, as near as I can manage. It's hardly necessary to mention there is now a hedge.

December 15 2012

Evidence that this is a photo of Braddon, not Kingston: This is a closeup (in b&w) of the south wall of 65 Elimatta St. With a bit of imagination you can see the line of light coloured mortar on the left of the vertical part of the arch. A high resolution copy of the original would help. The fence running from the wall to the boundary fence no longer exists. However, there are a couple of wooden pegs still in the wall of the house.

December 15 2012

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