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National Archives of Australia:

A3560, 3848 Like


House with garden hedges at Kingston.

Date Range

January 1921–December 1935



1 comment so far. Join the conversation
Conrad Burden updated the location of this photograph.
December 22 2012 Reply

15 Batman Street, Braddon, taken from the other side of Doonkuna Street. It's not obvious from the rephotograph, and makes more sense on site. I believe the Kingston label is a mistake, especially as the FCAC houses in Kingston were painted white. Gorman House is visible on the left in both the original and the rephotograph. The top of the left hand chimney of 15 Batman Street is just visible above the hedge in the rephotograph, and the cedar on the right has grown big. The same house appears in photos A3560:2805 and A3560:2807, in which Gorman house is also visible on the left.

December 22 2012

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