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National Archives of Australia:

A3560, 3657 1 like Like
 Methodist Church, Coranderrk Street and Dirrawan Gardens, Reid, opening


Methodist Church, Coranderrk Street and Dirrawan Gardens, Reid, opening

Date Range

January 1921–December 1935



2 comments so far. Join the conversation
Delphne Kuepper updated the location of this photograph.
July 7 2011 Reply
Nick says:
September 8 2011

The Methodist chuch was opened on 8/9 October, 1927 (various online references). I would suggest that the title would be more appropriate if it referred to the 'Methodist Church, opening, and Dirrawan Gardens, Reid' as I am sure this wasn't an opening for Dirrawan Gardens...

Now Canberra Korean Uniting Church

November 27 2011

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